
I decided not to hide anymore.. it said. i decided to use my real name for my second blog. my first blog kind of messy because i used to critically "critics", i decided to be more brave and more open to all..hehe..actually, i'm tired hiding myself thru my altar ego. people know me as m*** k*****, but now i want people to know the real me..*sigh*

i'm afraid because i'm an outspoken person in real or thru blog. but i guess i have to take the risks and open my mind widely. get bitten might a good thing sometimes. to wake me up when i'm wrong and let me learn from what i do bad. well, it's not likely i'm a BAD person but it's just i'm a freethinker. i said what in my mind and sometimes,i know, i could hurt people's feeling. sorry, but that is who i am. sometimes i feel guilty, that's why i immediately apologies, but as people said, terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya..well..

luckily, my friends is quiet open and they can accept me for who i am.that's why i love them!yippie!

when i think back of what i've done in the past, i always wondering, if i can go back thru time and fix all my mistakes. but i know i can't and that's kept me moving on and forgot all the past. even i'm never gonna forget it..but i'm trying..*sigh*

year 2009 had taught me the toughest experience in my life. from academic to's all a brand new experience for me. the feel of betrayal and ego made me better person. i know i can't trust people 100%, but the least i can do is put some faith in whatever i do..

luckily, i'm not involving myself in LOVE. i let myself stray far away from that subject and avoid it as far as i can. academic is one tough things to accomplish and LOVE is one thing that i should forget for a while. i'm happily announce that i'm SINGLE and i'm SUPER HAPPY being one!hehe..

got many things to do dow~when i'm busy, i hate to think about commitment. i'm not prepare for it yet. the time will come. i believe there's someone that meant to be my soulmate,partner-in-crime and a friend who can be by my side forever..but the time hasn't come yet. there are still many things i need to accomplish before i can think of my own happiness. family come first..

last weekend, i attended Brighton Beach International Triathlon 2009 at Park City Hotel in Miri. me and my dad, with a few friends, was chose to be the finishing judges, which is a tough duty; recording the time, jote down the triathlete numbers and so on.. it was my fourth year involved in this triathlon and i love to be part of it.hopefully next year i can be part of it too..=)

seeing their determination of winning and reached the finishing line almost brought tears to me. some were badly injured and some had to fight with asthma, but still, they ran the race. i know how tough it is doing triathlon. especially when it's Olympic distant. i bet it was like hell. with the hot weather and sun doesn't seem have pity to all the triahletes. but still, 99% of the triathletes made it to the finishing line. only one triathlete couldn't make it because he was in accident during cycling.

and it started to grow some interest in me. i started to feel, i can do triathlon to!i love extreme games since i was kid and involving in triathlon might be a future plan for me..hopefully so..ngehehe..

sadly, i didn't took much picture during the race day. i was busy "layan" my period pain and just sat at the finishing judges table all the time!damn!i hate it when my stomach started to cramp!it kills the mood..but seeing all triathletes, who manage to reach the finishing line, it cools me down...

well, enough of the triathlon. next, my dad planning to take us to Borneo Tropical Rainforest!yippie yeayy!can't wait. i love mother nature and can't wait to go there. people said it was amazing and fresh...ngehehehee...can't wait!

well, it's already past my bedtime hour already. need some sleep dow~that's all for now. see you in my next post! i bet more enjoyable post coming from me..ngiaahahaha...puji diri sendiri..



Odylia Martin said...

the time is wrong guys..i forgot to change's almost 3am now..=)

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