
When i'm not in the mood..

i hate it when i'm having a mood swing
it feels like hell
everything makes me crazy and i'm like a time-bomb!
am gonna blow-up in a few seconds!
sometimes it feels weird when suddenly i have this 'emo' thing
i'm not emo!
but feels like one!
i'm sick of fb-ing
i'm sick of twitter-ing
i'm sick of blog-ing too!


Anonymous said...

you missed something-chat box...
so, the old one you deleted it...?

Odylia Martin said...

kelak2 masang chat box..aku lupak gne engkah..
pdh ngn aku gne..hehe

Anonymous said...

you gi blog i, u click kat chatbox i... later they teach u hw to apply nya... ok...?

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