It's almost 4 month i'm here, at Shah more as i can't wait to finish my study, the sadder i's about to end. all the memories i'd spent the entire 3 whole years in UiTM undeniably made me more matured and so many things i've learn..too many. As much as i'm ready to leave my life here, i'm not ready for the parting part..
I'm addict to Korean music industry..too damn addict until i can't sleep if i'm not listening to it..even once a day, it's enough to sway all my tears and hurt away..that's how addictive it least to me. Last semester, i was so into Japan entertainment..namely Jpop or doramas. But now i'm turning my back to Kpop's so much more addictive and more fun should i say..

My current addiction : Beast
Compared to previous semesters, i have so much fun with my current friends..the one who wipe my tears when i'm crying, the one who support me when i'm down and the one who laugh with me when i'm in my mood..thanks to them. being with them are the precious things that ever happen to guys show me the me how to appreciate life more and show me how to be myself..thank you so much..i really love you guys..( Sis Josphine, Syalmee, Mariati, Zana, Ghozali, Eda, Carol Julis, Kak Wa, Kak Zuri, Dedeng, Shah, Teh ) being with you guys makes me happy..:)
It's almost say goodbye..almost.i'm scared. i may said that i can't wait to go back Sarawak. but Shah Alam taught me many things..connect me with so many people that i love so much ( Masscomm clan, Baiduri clan and Pusat Komersial clan ). i wish i can stay longer here..but the love that i have to my family put me in doubt..i guess i'll come back here one day..
it's just..I'M NOT READY YET.
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