
I'm back after a while ;p

hello, fellas!

long time no's ( always ) been a while since i last updated this site..gosh! it's too while! ;p

well, there's nothing much new about me..still the same old me. and nothing changes too..the same hair cut, the same habit, the same interest except, i became more mature now ( i guess )..i'm 23..not 17. it's time to forget all the girly and childish thing. i have future to think of..

and lets start with music. it's something that i can't live without. it's like Earth. 70% of Earth is water. so did my life..but in my case, it will be 80% of music and i'm still looking for the purpose of the other 20%..what could it be? hurmmm..

i'm waaaaayyyyyy out of my campus life right now. guess this is the kick-start of my new life..working! i love working. i love it when i get busy handling my job. i guess this is the ultimate quest that i'm looking for.

to be honest, i'm not that hardworking before, but works make me alive. now i know where i'm heading to. i can see the direction and i can see where i'm going. i'm not lost anymore! ( yippiie! )

i miss my  clan back in Shah Alam tho. i miss doing crazy things with them. aside from being the one who cracking a joke, i'm always looking forward to explore "Tanah Semenanjung" from north to south. well, we never been to south, yet. i hope someday, i can have a wonderful trips with them. just like old days..

but, i promise myself, whatever i do, i'll never forget Korea and Japan! ;p

aside from my lovely and unique country Malaysia, Korea and Japan are the country that i'm sooo in love! they have unique culture and nice place to visit, just like Malaysia. except, Malaysia is hotter than this two country. that's the charm. other than that, i'm sooo in love with their music industry. they are one of the most popular country in music industry..namely DBSK, Super Junior, Kat-tun etc.

well, i guess i'm done here..see you next time..i promise to try updating my blog..;p

ja ne!

Point to Ponder : 21 things Girls don’t realize..[ hope it's true! ]

1. Mans may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

2. Mans are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.

3. Mans go crazy over a girl's smile :)

4. A man who likes you wants to be the only man you talk to.

5. Giving a man a hanging message like "You know what?..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.

6. If a man tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.

7. A usual act that proves that the man likes you is when he teases you.


9. Mans use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a man uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot.

10. If the man does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.

11. If a man looks unusually calm and lay back, he's probably faking it and he is really thinking about something.

12. When a man says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Mans rarely say that.

13. When a man asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me".

14. If a man starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.

15. When a man looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.

16. Mans really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.

17. A man would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.

18. No man can handle all his problems on his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it.

19. NOT ALL MANS ARE RUDE!!! Just because ONE is RUDE doesn’t mean he represents ALL of them.


21. Even if you dump a man month ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life.

When you feel that life is too cruel..

i've spent over an hour to think about what should i write for this post. usually, when i got no idea on what to post on blog, i'll not posting any. but suddenly, tonight, i feel like i want to write something. but i have no idea what to write..

in the same time,i was watching a Korea's reality shows featuring U-Kiss,one of the top new idol group. on the first 2 episodes, they broadcast about their new life as a new idol they moved to a dormitory and spend their time. but on the third episodes, they showed a melancholy stories about the hard they try to survive in the industry and how people don't recognized them on their early debut days. and how people doubt their talent and how hard they tried to promote their group's name. it was so touching and tearing when they confessed how they wish to commit suicide just because many companies had rejected them during the audition. but they've made it because of the FAMILY. the family which always satnds behind them and support them in whatever they makes me almost cry ( i did cry ;p ). because, once, i thought the same solution too..frustrating isn't it?

i keep thinking, how my life will be in 10 years. do i get a good job? or do i suffer? i don't know..but i hope not. currently, i'm not in the good situation. academics, financial, friendship, love and you name it, is not in a good condition. it seems all of it turn upside down and i'm almost sink in the middle of the chaos because i don't know what should i's too depressing and how i wish i'm born to be a different person. but all this things makes me stronger..i know i'm struggling very hard right now. my body seems too weak to hold it, but i'm trying my best to get all of the matters out of my way. i need to be physically, yes, i'm strong..but mentally not..:(

how i wish i can be happy like other people. i try to be happy but i couldn't. i always has the thought that i'm a loser even i know i'm not..

lets hope for the best in the future.. i know He has a great plan for me..:)

p/s : oh yes! did you notice my new layout??cool isn't it?theehehe

Bila orang salah tafsir..

The main reason why i seldom posting any hatred status in my FB is because my current friend might thought that i'm talking about them..or to them. but instead, i spill it out to someone's hard when people started to think that i'm talking about them.HELL NOT!

gosh! why this people so hard to understand??gosh..



It's almost 4 month i'm here, at Shah more as i can't wait to finish my study, the sadder i's about to end. all the memories i'd spent the entire 3 whole years in UiTM undeniably made me more matured and so many things i've learn..too many. As much as i'm ready to leave my life here, i'm not ready for the parting part..


I'm addict to Korean music industry..too damn addict until i can't sleep if i'm not listening to it..even once a day, it's enough to sway all my tears and hurt away..that's how addictive it least to me. Last semester, i was so into Japan entertainment..namely Jpop or doramas. But now i'm turning my back to Kpop's so much more addictive and more fun should i say..

My current addiction : Beast


Compared to previous semesters, i have so much fun with my current friends..the one who wipe my tears when i'm crying, the one who support me when i'm down and the one who laugh with me when i'm in my mood..thanks to them. being with them are the precious things that ever happen to guys show me the me how to appreciate life more and show me how to be myself..thank you so much..i really love you guys..( Sis Josphine, Syalmee, Mariati, Zana, Ghozali, Eda, Carol Julis, Kak Wa, Kak Zuri, Dedeng, Shah, Teh ) being with you guys makes me happy..:)


It's almost say goodbye..almost.i'm scared. i may said that i can't wait to go back Sarawak. but Shah Alam taught me many things..connect me with so many people that i love so much ( Masscomm clan, Baiduri clan and Pusat Komersial clan ). i wish i can stay longer here..but the love that i have to my family put me in doubt..i guess i'll come back here one day..

it's just..I'M NOT READY YET.

Let the Pictures do the Talk~

luncheon menus~

crazy move~

with Mariati~

candid~during the launching of UiTM Puncak Alam

There's nothing much to say..

yep. there's nothing much to say. i almost forgot to update my blog. tetiba sorang member FB nie mengingatkn aku tentang blog nie bila dia tanya kenapa lama tak update blog..gosh!baru teringat kot..kah3x..

well, as the title say, there's nothing much to say. rasanya belum terlambat lagi nak wish Happy New Year 2010 kat semua orang. even though dah setengah bulan January nih..huhu..well, memandangkan tangan-tangan aku dah mula menaip nih, i want to share something ngan semua orang..tentang hidup aku yang banyak bersinar bila dah masuk 2010 nih..ceh! aku cakap jer lebih kot..kah3x..

well, keadaan hidup taklah seteruk yang aku rasa masa tahun 2009 dulu. sekarang nih aku rasa lebih yakin ngan sapa diri aku (well, memang selalu yakin pun, cuma yang nie aku rasa over yakin la plak..:D). semua kawan2 aku hidup bahagaia dengan kehidupan diorang. tak kuasa pulak aku nak jealous2 kot.sebab aku rasa diri aku bahagai jugak sekarang nih..keh3x..walaupun aku hidup single, tapi aku rasa bahagia jer..macam orang bercinta la pulak..kah3x..orang bercinta pun tak sebahagia hidup aku sekarang nih..haha..

seminggu pertama bila aku dah sampai Shah Alam nih, aku rasa homesick yang sangat sampai aku tak lena tidur malam..huhu..rindu kat family beb.sapa tak rindu kan..biasalah, girls..memang sensitive sikit.tambah-tambah lagi oang macam aku nih..tersangat la emo..cet!tak sangka yang selama ni aku emo dowh~

oh ya! lupa nak cakap. aku sekarang nih tengah dok kumpul2 lagu Korea. kepada yang berminat tu, rajin2lah contact blog aku nih and bagi email korang. nanti aku send kat korang. sharing is caring kata orang..perghh!

aku teringat lagi time Christmas 2009. sangat2 best dowh~ sebab semua adik-beradik daddy aku (10 orang) balik kampung!sangat meriah ok! aku pun rasa seronok sangat sebab semua cousin2 aku balik kampung. bila berkumpul ramai2 memang best siot! tapi yang tak bestnya, xde yang sebaya aku, aku jadi macam komander la pulak..keh3x..yang perempuan cuci pinggan..yang lelaki cuci toilet dan bilik mandi..kah3x..seronoknya!

pastu pulak aku gi bedal kereta Myvi uncle aku gi bawak cousin2 aku gi jalan2 sekeliling pasar Mukah tu..beli aiskrim dan lepak2 kat pantai..sangat best dowh~ pastu pulak time Christmas, ramai giler kot yang datang umah kitorang. tak menang tangan..bukan aku, tapi cousin2 aku..kah3x..aku jadi tukang arah diorang jer..serve tetamu..haha..sangat seronok jadi komander ok...harap-harap next year punya Christmas aku dapat jadi komander lagi..:D

tapi aku tak dapat plak nak upload gambar2 time Xmas tu..sebab xda gambar aku. semua gambar sanak saudara aku. aku jer kot yang pandai ambik shot, macam aku plak jadi suruhan ambik gambar..sabor jer lah...:P

ok lah..aku pun takde benda apa2 lagi nak cakap nih. ngantuk sangat..tapi nak layan lagu Ring Ding Dong jap..:D

Ja mata!

The Wind of Forgiveness

A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face.

The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand:


They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him.

After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone:


The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?"

The other friend replied "When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."


p/s : credits to

When i'm not in the mood..

i hate it when i'm having a mood swing
it feels like hell
everything makes me crazy and i'm like a time-bomb!
am gonna blow-up in a few seconds!
sometimes it feels weird when suddenly i have this 'emo' thing
i'm not emo!
but feels like one!
i'm sick of fb-ing
i'm sick of twitter-ing
i'm sick of blog-ing too!

Blog walking..

i'm i went blog walking just now. i've visited many blogs, my friends and some other people i don't know..and then back to my blog to post something out..the best thing when we do blog walking is, we can see how people express their thought or speak their mind in it. i LOVE reading others blog. it keeps me alive to see how people live their live..=)

well, i read this one blog of a girl, i attracted to what she had posted. even though it's a typical girly blog ( talked about boys, love, secret admirer etc. ), but she seems to live her life to its fullest!she enjoyed everything she did and surprisingly for a girl blogger, there's no bad-talking about other people!that's why i kept visiting her blog and read even her older post..keep it up girl!

ever since of Brighton Beach International Triathlon the other day, i tried to find and read some of the triathletes blog. luckily i found 3 of them, who actively participate in every triathlon race around Malaysia, and also in international level. reading their blogs made me wondering, how do they manage to do the race (as far as i know, it's freaking tired race; swimming, cycling & running-for somehow an Olyimpic distant or more!).the best thing is, i can see all the pictures and it keeps me see some champion on the run =). well, if you guys interested to read their blog, just click on link ( i put triathlete beside their names )..

but, of all blogs, i love Tasnim's blog!she's my classmate and she's the top student of our faculty!amazing isn't it?she has a good english and reading her blog is like, "i'm learning grammar"..hehe..maybe she don't know this, but i admire her since our first class in UiTM. i admire her courage and adore her personality very much. she's so BUBBLY!*wink to Tas!

well, done with the blog walking thing. actually i have many favorite blogs. if i comments on every blog, that might take a long hour because it's like billion of it!..haha..well, i love every single blog that i've read, especially those blog who i already linked..=)

see you on the next post!


p/s : I LOVE THEM!